Black Ops 6 Shows 300 GB Install Size on Xbox Store

black ops 6

Earlier today, Black Ops 6’s listing appeared early on the Xbox store, revealing the game’s base description and some key information – including the ‘approximate size’ of the upcoming title. It was stated that it would be ‘309.8 GB’ in size, but there’s a good reason for that. It’s almost certainly referring to the full installation required for COD HQ – which includes other content like Call of Duty Warzone.

Don’t Panic

At first blush, it seems like par for the course for Call of Duty. As time has progressed, the series has swollen dramatically, with some titles swallowing up vast gulfs of storage, effectively wiping out some older consoles with smaller stock hard drives.

Here’s the reference to the size approximation of Black Ops 6:

This is one of the leading reasons why gamers aren’t happy with COD HQ as a function – it’s bloated and requires players to install ‘more than they need’, despite Activision Blizzard and associated studios insisting it’s a measure of convenience having all your Call of Duty content in a single place.

Regardless, we can expect that Black Ops 6 will be a fair size. It was shown by the Xbox store listing that there will be 16 maps available at launch, plus a sizeable Zombies offering, and an immersive and expansive single-player campaign featuring ‘spy thriller’ action sequences.

Will you have enough storage space for Black Ops 6?

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