Insider Gaming

First Official Details on the Next Battlefield Game Revealed, Returns to Modern-Day Combat

Vince Zempella has officially revealed the first details of the next Battlefield game, which will be a new 64-player modern-era shooter.

In a new interview with IGN, Vince Zempella confirmed many details already reported by Insider Gaming in February 2024. Four of the main bits of information include;

  • It is a return to the classic Battlefield and “back to basics”
  • A return to 64 player maps
  • Going back to the class-based system
  • Aiming for a 2025 release

Insider Gaming also reported that Battlefield is working on a new free-to-play Battle Royale experience. Currently, the game has two different game modes, including the classic Battle Royale experience and a mode named ‘Gauntlet,’ which will see teams of players compete in objective-based modes with the lowest scoring team being kicked out after each mission.

Ont he return to basics approach, Zempella said, “I mean, if you look back to the peak or the pinnacle of Battlefield, it’s that Battlefield 3… Battlefield 4 era where everything was modern. And I think we have to get back to the core of what Battlefield is and do that amazingly well, and then we’ll see where it goes from there. But I think for me, it’s that peak of Battlefield-ness is in that Battlefield 3 and 4 days. So I think it’s nostalgic for players, for me, for the teams even. Those are kind of the heyday…although I would say 1942 also.”

What do you think of Battlefield returning to the modern-day shooter? Let us know in the comments below or in our community forums.

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91 messages 86 likes

Honestly this reads as a big flashy red warning to me, "The pinnacle BF3, BF4.... maybe 1942?" just feels vaccous and the emphasis on "dense maps" really forgets even BF3 post launch had Armored Kill & BF4's maps are much bigger than 2042's 64p only maps (will there even be a Caspian Border sized map? I remember the pre-launch debates of BF3 of main base spawns being tad too close for being a larger vehicle based map).

This really screams "just dumb run and gun combat with a side order of BF mechanics". Just saying "fun" is a big warning sign to me for a Battlefield game. Battlefield "lost" the war against CoD for that kind of audience yet EA execs don't want to admit it.

Vince makes good run and gun games, which is not what I want to hear for a Battlefield game. Just saying "classes" ain't going to cut it for me.

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Avatar of Tom Henderson
Diamond Medal
Tom Henderson


153 messages 193 likes

Honestly this reads as a big flashy red warning to me, "The pinnacle BF3, BF4.... maybe 1942?" just feels vaccous and the emphasis on "dense maps" really forgets even BF3 post launch had Armored Kill & BF4's maps are much bigger than 2042's 64p only maps (will there even be a Caspian Border sized map? I remember the pre-launch debates of BF3 of main base spawns being tad too close for being a larger vehicle based map).

This really screams "just dumb run and gun combat with a side order of BF mechanics". Just saying "fun" is a big warning sign to me for a Battlefield game. Battlefield "lost" the war against CoD for that kind of audience yet EA execs don't want to admit it.

Vince makes good run and gun games, which is not what I want to hear for a Battlefield game. Just saying "classes" ain't going to cut it for me.

I think they need to play a bit "safe" at this stage with what they are going to publicly discuss. Honestly, I'm pretty surprised they came out this early, but I think it is a good thing, considering how Battlefield 2042 went down.

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91 messages 86 likes

I think they need to play a bit "safe" at this stage with what they are going to publicly discuss. Honestly, I'm pretty surprised they came out this early, but I think it is a good thing, considering how Battlefield 2042 went down.

Problem is Halo: Infinite did it "safe" and people went off it. Though one can say weak content post launch was a big part to blame.

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Avatar of Tom Henderson
Diamond Medal
Tom Henderson


153 messages 193 likes

Problem is Halo: Infinite did it "safe" and people went off it. Though one can say weak content post launch was a big part to blame.

Very true...

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3 messages 2 likes

Do you know details on that pre-release player testing option? Like through random sample of signed-ups? Did he mean something in that manner?

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Avatar of Tom Henderson
Diamond Medal
Tom Henderson


153 messages 193 likes

Do you know details on that pre-release player testing option? Like through random sample of signed-ups? Did he mean something in that manner?

They've gone back on fourth on the specifics and I'm not sure where they landed, but it was more than just a beta or whatever

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Avatar of Zeys


1 messages 2 likes

Beforehand, I really didn't care.. BUT

The fact that Vince Zampella is on the team changes everything for me. I think that that guy knows his stuff. If this BF fails again it would be the first miss in his career.

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1 messages 2 likes

Vince Zempella has officially revealed the first details of the next Battlefield game, which will be a new 64-player modern-era shooter.

Read the full article here...

I wonder if EA plans make this game that will be supported for 3-4 years? similar to what 343 wanted Halo Infinite to be

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Avatar of Mr. Tonic
Mr. Tonic


1 messages 3 likes

Last chance for Dice.

They better not waste it.

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1 messages 2 likes

Vince Zempella has officially revealed the first details of the next Battlefield game, which will be a new 64-player modern-era shooter.

Read the full article here...

Why can’t we see a remake of Battlefield Bad Company 2?

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3 messages 2 likes

Why can’t we see a remake of Battlefield Bad Company 2?

Since no one will play it. It's always so, fans ask for some remake, devs do it and then get low sales cuz only some small community of hardcore fans wanted it

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