Atari has unveiled the Gamestation Go, an all-new handheld device with a few bizarre features that contribute nicely to a retro-futuristic vibe. In a short trailer uploaded on social media, we’re given a glimpse at the new console, which features typical button-based inputs alongside a keypad, paddle, and a Trak-Ball input.
An Icon, Reimagined
Atari is preparing to fully showcase the Gamestation Go handheld console at CES 2025 in Las Vegas, which will commence on January 7.
The first whispers of this device surfaced more than a year ago when it was revealed that Atari was partnering with MyArcade to piece together a handheld unit with these very features. That collaboration has come to fruition with the Gamestation Go.
At CES 2024, the ‘Gamestation Portable’ was revealed, featuring:
- A 7-inch high-resolution display
- Paddle, Trak-Ball, and keypad inputs
- Officially licensed titles
The original design showcased at CES 2024 has undergone a few changes, with the team making some aesthetic tweaks and shifting some buttons around.
Here’s the trailer released by Atari:
With charming hints of backlighting, a colour scheme that screams retro, and a promising line-up of titles, the Atari Gamestation Go could be a winner in the ever-growing handheld market. The unique inputs promise to accommodate games found on platforms like the Atari 5200 and the Jaguar.
In recent years, the concept of the handheld console has exploded in popularity, with almost every major tech manufacturer getting in on the action. Recently, we’ve seen every tech titan from MSI to Logitech and from Lenovo to ASUS have their crack at making a handheld gaming device.
When CES 2025 kicks off, we’ll likely have more information about the unit, including a release window and potentially a price point.
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Waste of money. Atari should focus on more acquisitions and actually getting games made.
With what games? They wasted money on Bubsy a IP that always flopped why not actually make it too hire the former Crash team to reboot the franchise Big Red Button Ent, I think they own Primal Rage hire Iron Galaxy to remake it and make a new game, get System Shock 3 finally out from Warren Spector, offer to buy Eidos from Embracer and have Warren make new Thief and Deus Ex. Buy Driver back from Ubisoft they’d sell it. Honestly they should buy Interplay too bring Clay Fighter back and actually make a new EarthWorm Jim. Work with studios on new games.
Atari who is this for? Maybe the VCS audience since people actually bought that. I would think you need games but I guess this audience is happy about the retro Atari games
They should bring back Splashdown and Kya.