Vince Zempella has officially revealed the first details of the next Battlefield game, which will be a new 64-player modern-era shooter.
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I think they need to play a bit "safe" at this stage with what they are going to publicly discuss. Honestly, I'm pretty surprised they came out this early, but I think it is a good thing, considering how Battlefield 2042 went down.Honestly this reads as a big flashy red warning to me, "The pinnacle BF3, BF4.... maybe 1942?" just feels vaccous and the emphasis on "dense maps" really forgets even BF3 post launch had Armored Kill & BF4's maps are much bigger than 2042's 64p only maps (will there even be a Caspian Border sized map? I remember the pre-launch debates of BF3 of main base spawns being tad too close for being a larger vehicle based map).
This really screams "just dumb run and gun combat with a side order of BF mechanics". Just saying "fun" is a big warning sign to me for a Battlefield game. Battlefield "lost" the war against CoD for that kind of audience yet EA execs don't want to admit it.
Vince makes good run and gun games, which is not what I want to hear for a Battlefield game. Just saying "classes" ain't going to cut it for me.
Problem is Halo: Infinite did it "safe" and people went off it. Though one can say weak content post launch was a big part to blame.I think they need to play a bit "safe" at this stage with what they are going to publicly discuss. Honestly, I'm pretty surprised they came out this early, but I think it is a good thing, considering how Battlefield 2042 went down.
Very true...Problem is Halo: Infinite did it "safe" and people went off it. Though one can say weak content post launch was a big part to blame.
They've gone back on fourth on the specifics and I'm not sure where they landed, but it was more than just a beta or whateverDo you know details on that pre-release player testing option? Like through random sample of signed-ups? Did he mean something in that manner?
I wonder if EA plans make this game that will be supported for 3-4 years? similar to what 343 wanted Halo Infinite to beVince Zempella has officially revealed the first details of the next Battlefield game, which will be a new 64-player modern-era shooter.
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Why can’t we see a remake of Battlefield Bad Company 2?Vince Zempella has officially revealed the first details of the next Battlefield game, which will be a new 64-player modern-era shooter.
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Since no one will play it. It's always so, fans ask for some remake, devs do it and then get low sales cuz only some small community of hardcore fans wanted itWhy can’t we see a remake of Battlefield Bad Company 2?
IMV won't suck but I can totally see a Halo: Infinite style situation. "Back to Basics" with nostalgia fest. Because a Grand Bazaar remake map with probably faster movement w/ 64 players is going to play like shit.mark my words, this will suck
Yeah they really need to invest in fan-service this time.I think they need to play a bit "safe" at this stage with what they are going to publicly discuss. Honestly, I'm pretty surprised they came out this early, but I think it is a good thing, considering how Battlefield 2042 went down.
I think the point of them announcing this early is to try and build this trust back up for the franchise. It makes sense, but if they can do it or not is anyone's guess.Honestly, EA can't be trusted at all at this point....